
CV + CV :: Birds of a Feather // Spanish Adventure

Hola bonitas!

Today I want to introduce you to “we”. There were seven of us enjoying this journey together and I want to give you a little background on them.

During this trip we were put into three categories by the ever-clever Papa Vallejo.

Of course you have Claudio and Carah, we are the Love Birds.
Then Husband C’s parents, Claudio Sr. and Margarita are the Middle Birds.
Last, but most definitely not least…we have the Old Birds. Grandpa Lee, Grandma Juana and Tia Juanita.

Grandpa Lee is from Malta and is very keen on all the history. The Knights of Malta were actually from Spain and there is bit of Maltan influence in Madrid. He loved to point it out each time he caught a glimpse. Which was normally followed by his signature phase of “By Joe Blimey!” In what was, undoubtedly, the most precious British accent you’ve ever heard.

Los Vallejos Blog // Spanish Adventure

Grandma Juana took care of Lee and made sure he had everything he needed. (A lot of coffee and a shoulder to lean on, most of the time) She is a nurturing soul and her love for her husband is ever beaming. It was a beautiful example for us young Love Birds.

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Tia Juanita gave us so many giggles! She has a laugh-at-yourself sense of humor and a vivacious personality. Her style was precious with little high-heeled booties all week and bright, flowy outfits.

Each day started with coffee and breakfast. There is a Cafe & Te on almost every corner so it’s not too difficult to grab a bite to eat. I prefer a café con leche and a mini bocadilla de jamón, myself!

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First stop is the royal palace, Palacio Royale , and cathedral, Santa María la Real de La Almudena. The palace was similar to Versalles in France. A grand structure with many rooms all dedicated to a different ritual. The best room was probably the “Royal Dressing Room”….a huge room literally dedicated to getting ready in the morning. Sign me up!

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We weren’t allowed to take photos inside the palace, but we snapped some at the cathedral. Both structures were breathtaking on the inside and out. I’m still in awe of the sheer fact that they exist.

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The light in the cathedral was heavenly.

Los Vallejos Blog // Spanish Adventure Los Vallejos Blog // Spanish Adventure

I will live to enjoy the light” John 33:28


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We left the cathedral and made our way around the city, I believe mosey would be the right word here. Finding little trinkets and precious buildings along the way.

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(You never say no to a matador)

I’d like to take a moment and offer a travelers tip. The weather in Madrid is mild and chilly in the morning and then quite warm in the afternoon and back to brisk in the evening. I recommend a scarf and a maxi skirt. The scarf can be worn around your neck in the morning and then to shield your face from harmful rays in the afternoon. My maxi skirt was the best! It kept be warm in the morning but it was very breathable in the afternoons. Last, go with light jewelry. You don’t want a heavy bauble necklace weighing you down or big earrings getting caught in the wind. Here’s an easy hairdo that looks great and keeps your hair off the neck when it gets warm.

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Life in Madrid was perfect. Completely unimaginable. I would go back in a heartbeat. My favorite day is coming up soon. So many beautiful pictures. I will let most of them speak for themselves, so look out later this week for a photo-heavy post full of images dripping with beauty. I hope as you view them, you let them take you away to paradise…even if for a moment.

There is always more to come.


Wife C